Alpine NMR Workshop

Bled 18-21 September 2014

It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to attend the Alpine NMR Workshop "Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance: Applications to Nano- and Microscopically Structured Systems" which will take place in Bled, Slovenia between 18 and 21 of September 2014.

The workshop continues a series of informal meetings organized in Hirschegg and Cluj-Napoca by Prof. Rainer Kimmich, Prof. Siegfried Stapf (TU Ilmenau) and Prof. Ioan Ardelean (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca). This year the meeting will take place in Bled, one of the major touristic attractions in Slovenia.

The workshop will be held in the Plemljeva villa, which has in addition to a lecture room also rooms for guests and other facilities.